Mysteries of Quantum Mind

Do the mysteries of and about shamanism, meditation, tantra, yoga, mindfulness, intuition, and consciousness seem, at times, to be more confusing than you can grasp? ===>>> Explore Here! <<<===

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is Spirituality or Tantra Scientific?

In order to understand how Tantra is scientific, better we start with asking what is science.  That which teaches the proper use of things/objects [including non-material] is science.  Science is based on rationality and pays proper attention to cause and effect.

Tantra is the collection of practices aimed at bringing us forward in evolutionary excellence, complete merger into the fullness of human potentialities.

From this we can understand that any instruction that teaches us how to properly use our body and our mind in order to direct it into such gestalts of excellence, is science.   Spiritual/Transpersonal practice is also scientific. It is logical and it does teach us how to properly use ourselves and the universe for real progress, hence, it is scientific.
The central idea of spirituality -- that Infinite Consciousness is the ultimate reality -- is common to most oriental and some occidental forms of mysticism.  It is not so remarkable that this idea is widely accepted by mystics and philosophers, but in the last century many material scientists have pointed out parallels between Quantum Theory and the mystical view of reality described in the ancient texts of Taoism, Buddhism, Tantra and Yoga. 

Not only Albert Einstein but virtually all his contemporaries, including Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrodinger and Max Planck, in fact most of the pioneers of modern physics, testified to a belief in mysticism.  When Heisenberg (discoverer of the 'Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle') went to India and met with Rabindranath Tagore, the Nobel Prize winning poet and a great yogi, he was enormously relieved to find someone who didn't think his ideas were crazy.  The ancient yogic philosophy seemed to be saying much the same thing about reality as the emerging Quantum Theory.  This has been the subject of much discussion and many publications, particularly since the 1960s. 

Science, in the traditional use of the term, involves exploring principles operating in the Universe, exploring also when and where such principles are transcended or contraindicated, and how to use such principles and capabilities in human life, often creating products and services resulting from such explorations to lighten our workloads and enlighten our minds. 

"Science" does not have "an opinion" or "belief", in its proper and true context.  Whether there are any humans or any other entities to perceive and experience the fundaments of the Universe, such faculties will continue to operate throughout the Universe, regardless of anyone's opinions or beliefs.  Such is the disposition of Tantrika practice, where practices are experiential and the wisdom delivered is a direct experience, neither theory, nor opinion or belief.  Tantrika practices are engineered to polish each realm of existence and carry you into subtler realms progressively. 

Whatever is causative of this vast Universe, the continuum of "progress" is one from crude toward subtle.  Not acknowleding the existence of something within this Universe, especially those involving subtler realms, will not cease such principles from operating simply because of some stalwart petrifying chauvinism denying such potentialities. 

From the inanimate to the animate goes the process of evolution.  Consider a piece of stone for instance.  It has neither the power of action nor the sensation of mind.  What is the reason?  It is because hitherto there has been no conspicuous manifestation of mind in the stone at all.  Consider the trees and plants that are more animate than the stone.  There is activity in them.  They grow, draw the vital juice from the earth, maintain their species by creating seeds in their own bodies, and enjoy and suffer pleasure and pain when taken care of or hurt.  We see in them the manifestation of counsciousness, for mind has awakened in them.  Thus progressing on the path of mental development, we see in humanity its greatest manifestation.  Just as evolution takes place from the subtle to the crude, similarly the unit entity reverts step by step from the crude to subtle, towards the same Absolute Consciousness from whence it came. 

Explore more and participate further in our Forum 

People of conscience deserve a place where they can explore such potentialities and claim their insights with others while sharing articles, personal experiences and wisdom.  Your presence is welcome and we anticipate sharing with you in positive ways.   

Do the mysteries of and about shamanism, meditation, tantra, yoga, mindfulness, intuition, and consciousness seem, at times, to be more confusing than you can grasp?
Sparkling Minds Expanding with the Universe

Instructor in Tantra Psychology, presenting rational articulation of intuitional science with cogent practical exercises bringing greater personal awareness and cultivation of subtler realms, imbuing new and meaningful talents into participants' lives.  Explore further bringing such capabilities into your realm, both personal and at work.  Contact HERE

Making a difference for the psychic, moral and physical development of youth, make a difference through and for our Youth Intuitional Development Program

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What is Tantra?

What is Tantra? 

The Sanskrit root verb "tan" literally means "to expand". The word tantra is derived as: tan + trae + d'a. Tra [trae + d'a] means "that which liberates." So Tantra means the science which shows the path for the emancipation of the human entity through psycho-spiritual expansion. In other words, the spirit of Tantra is ever to continue expanding, or vistara in Sanskrit, from which we get the word "vista" in most Western languages.

Some Event Topics

Do the mysteries of and about shamanism, meditation, initiation, tantra, yoga, mindfulness, intuition, and consciousness seem, at times, to be more confusing than you can grasp?  Fret no more!  
An unfettered mind can fly
throughout the Universe any time, any where.

Tantra Psychology Presentation Roster  

Intuitional development is everyone’s capability, cultivating such skills are both natural and facilitate making more meaningful contributions to life.  Contact us for presentation opportunities, perhaps at your enterprise, classes or events.  

Upcoming topics include:    

As you embrace the Universe,
become one with it, all its attributes
become more reflected in your life

  • Tantra Psychology And The Transformation Of Consciousness

  • Noetic Secrets Revealed, Your Own "What the *Bleep*" Experience

  • Linguistics:  How Language Architecture affects mindframes, conceptualization, thought throughput, dispositions, values, societal intercourse, social justice, and mores -- remedies provided    

  • Calling All Meditators: Intermediate Practices and Facts Furthering Your Meditative Success

  • Some Essential Processes of Tantra Yoga 

  • Samadhi in its Various Thresholds:  Arriving at the Goal of Tantra and the Bliss that Ensues  

  • Subtle Breathing Practices to Possitively Affect Your Happiness and Skills    

  • Pranayama Practices Altering Perceptions, Mind States, Cognition, Health, and Psycho-Spiritual Parallelism   

Upgrading Your Psyche

Merging our attention back into the
magnanimity enveloping us,
the kinks in our psyche are released,
the greater whole more fluently reflected
  • Tantra Psychology And The Transformation Of Consciousness

  • Quantum Psyche: Giving Greater Mind 

  • Tantra Psychology and Intelligence Upgrades

  • Developing Intuition 

  • Psychic and Intuitional Training

  • Siddha Mantras and Their Efficacy for Furthering Your Success 
"As long as this Universe continues
to exist, I am always with you."

  • Intuitional Development for Gifted Children 

  • Consciousness Cleansing 

  • Raising Your Kundalini: How To, Why and When     

  • Cakra Cleansing and Tuning  

  • Magical Child, Mystical Adult  

Applying Intuitional Skills to Everyday Life 

  • Finding Your Next Job, or Customer/Client through Intuitional Exercises

  • Awakening Your Higher Mind 

  • Subtle Energy Practices to Optimize Athletic Abilities

  • Experiencing Prana – for Vitality, Mental Strength and Higher Awareness

  • Purify, Strengthen and Awaken Your Cakras (Cakra Shuddhi)

  • Raise Your GradePoint Average:  Intuitional Tips Can Make You Smarter -- Yes, You!  

  • Indigo Child / Indigo Adult:  Cultivating the Subtleties of Mind for Indigos that Will Last a Lifetime  

  • Glandular Optimization -- Affecting Mind, Body, Health and Society  

  • Longevity: Is It In Your Future? 

  • Strides Against Senility: Start Now to Prevent It Later

  • Tantrika Practices to Flourish Your Wellbeing Forever

  • Anchoring New Paradigms into Your Life: Past, Present and Future

  • What Western Psychology is Missing and How Tantra Psychology May Have Remedies 

  • What's the Relationship Between Tantra Psychology and NLP [NeuroLinguistic Programming]?  Comparison and Contrasts  

  • Soul and Planetary Evolution  

  • MultiDimensional Consciousness:  Making it part of your daily life

  • What Shiva Really Said To Parvati:  Dialogue for making Tantra practical for everyone

  • Dealing with Sexual Excess

  • Revolutionary Change, in Self and Society:  How Tantra Psychology Assures Victory 

  • Tantra for Revolutionaries:  Anchoring/Keeping the Love, Preventing Hate 

Psychic Realms   

  • Channeling:  What is and What is Not Channeling and How These Are Confused

  • Accessing the 5th Dimension -- How to and the Skills this brings:  Remote Viewing, Time Travel [both forward and backward], Clairaudience, and more  

  • Finding Your Next Partner in the Haystack of this Universe  

  • Architecture of Shamanism: Prepare Greater Wisdom for Your Shamanic Experiences    

  • Architecture of Spiritual Progress: Tantra Throughout All Spiritual Practices 

  • Melding into the Matrix:  Developing Unity with the Universe, All Beings, and the Consequential Skills of this Merger    

  • Evolution of the Cosmic Mind -- and Yours:  How You and the Universe Evolved  

  • Realms of Mind: Use Them at Your Best, Exercises to Strengthen Them, Skills They Provide 

  • Disembodied Souls and the Angels Around You:  Siddhas Among Us and How to Recognize and Learn from Them  

  • This Great Universe: If it was Created, and continues through time, then isn't it also Evolving? 

  • TantraCakra:  Evolution According to Tantra -- The Beginning, Manifestation, and the Desideratum on this Journey of Life  

  • Tantra is for Atheists Too  


Making a difference for the psychic, moral and physical development of youth, make a difference through and for our Youth Intuitional Development Program

Intuitional Training for Professionals and Community Leaders

Do the mysteries of and about shamanism, meditation, tantra, yoga, mindfulness, intuition, and consciousness seem, at times, to be more confusing than you can grasp?  

Instructor in tantra psychology, presenting rational articulation of intuitional science with cogent practical exercises bringing greater personal awareness and cultivation of subtler realms, imbuing new and meaningful talents into participants' lives.  Explore further bringing such capabilities into your realm, both personal and at work.