Mysteries of Quantum Mind

Do the mysteries of and about shamanism, meditation, tantra, yoga, mindfulness, intuition, and consciousness seem, at times, to be more confusing than you can grasp? ===>>> Explore Here! <<<===

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Workshop in Subtle Mind Learning Skills

Subtle Mind Learning Skills
A Workshop Infusing Intuitional Science and Body/Mind Integration with Learning Skills to Positively Affect Your Education and Work Careers  

Psychologists and other scientists are discovering new elements to the human psyche, neurology and all around human potential, while tantra has 'been there' already for thousands of years, including practices for cultivating subtleties of mind as yet unexplored by prevailing medical paradigms.  

We'll explore subtle mindframes and viable techniques facilitating mental/psychic development for optimal learning skills and greater effectiveness in working environments, many of which have improved grade-point averages, as well as business successes.  

This workshop is scheduled for third weeks of October and November 2018, opened due to popular demand, in West Los Angeles area.

Light movement exercises will be included, wear loose clothing.  

Workshop Instructor has more than 40 years experience in Tantra Psychology, illuminating others in and through intuitional science to positively affect your personal, and our collective growth through shamanic tantra intuitional training for individuals, enterprises, and social professionals.

Workshops in Quantum Mind Learning Skills, October and November.  Register Now! Seating is limited.

Do the mysteries of and about shamanism, meditation, tantra, yoga, mindfulness, intuition, and consciousness seem, at times, to be more confusing than you can grasp?

Sparkling Minds Expanding with the Universe
Instructor in Tantra Psychology, presenting rational articulation of intuitional science with cogent practical exercises bringing greater personal awareness and cultivation of subtler realms, imbuing new and meaningful talents into participants' lives.  Explore further bringing such capabilities into your realm, both personal and at work.  Contact HERE

Making a difference for the psychic, moral and physical development of youth, make a difference through and for our Youth Intuitional Development Program